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About Jill Osborne

My Google Profile+ Jill Heidi Osborne is the president and founder of the Interstitial Cystitis Network, a health education company dedicated to interstitial cystitis, bladder pain syndrome and other pelvic pain disorders. As the editor and lead author of the ICN and the IC Optimist magazine, Jill is proud of the academic recognition that her website has achieved. The University of London rated the ICN as the top IC website for accuracy, credibility, readability and quality. (Int Urogynecol J - April 2013). Harvard Medical School rated both Medscape and the ICN as the top two websites dedicated to IC. (Urology - Sept 11). For many years, Jill served on the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Panel (US Army) where she collaborated with researchers to evaluate new IC research studies for possible funding. Jill has conducted and/or collaborates on a variety of IC research studies on new therapeutics, pain care, sexuality, the use of medical marijuana, menopause and the cost of treatments, shining a light on issues that influence patient quality of life. An IC support group leader and national spokesperson for the past 20 years, she has represented the IC community on radio, TV shows, at medical conferences. She has written hundreds of articles on IC and its related conditions. Jill has a Bachelors Degree in Pharmacology and a Masters in Psychology, Jill was named Presidential Management Intern (aka Fellowship) while in graduate school. (She was unable to earn her PhD due to the onset of her IC.) She spends the majority of her time providing WELLNESS COACHING for patients in need and developing new, internet based educational and support tools for IC patients, including new live IC Support Group Meetings via Youtube and the “Living with IC” video series. Jill was diagnosed with IC at the age of 32 but first showed symptoms at the age of 12.

Impact of Microbiome on Urinary Disease

Renowned IC researcher Dr. Curtis Nickel (Queens University Kington ON) gave a groundbreaking lecture (AUA 202o Annual Meeting) on the importance of beneficial bacteria in the urinary tract and just how dangerous and disruptive antibiotic therapy can be. He said “You are your microbiome. While it might only weigh 3 to 4 pounds, your body [...]

By |2022-03-06T00:33:33-08:00February 26th, 2022|Our Blog, Research|Comments Off on Impact of Microbiome on Urinary Disease

Does Chocolate Irritate Your IC or IBS?

Oh chocolate, my chocolate, how do I love thee? In my case, not at all. It might surprise you to learn that chocolate, especially milk chocolate, is known for triggering IC and IBS flares. Some have genuine allergies to chocolate, resulting in hives, nausea, a swollen tongue and even trouble breathing. Patients who are sensitive [...]

By |2022-03-06T00:31:58-08:00February 21st, 2022|IC Diet Project, Our Blog|Comments Off on Does Chocolate Irritate Your IC or IBS?

UCLA Research Finds Three Distinct Patient Groups in IC/BPS Study

It is very clear that there is diversity in the IC patient population. Hunner’s lesion disease, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, pelvic floor dysfunction, pudendal neuralgia, central sensitization and chronic infection do not have the same anatomy nor treatments. But, with the exception of Dr. Christopher Payne’s five point system (1), there has been little discussion [...]

By |2022-02-21T21:54:29-08:00February 19th, 2022|Our Blog, Research|Comments Off on UCLA Research Finds Three Distinct Patient Groups in IC/BPS Study

Platelet-rich Plasma Helps Bladder Wall Integrity in IC/BPS Patients

Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses a patients own blood cells and growth factors to improve and increase healing in the bladder. This treatment requires a blood sample from the patient which is then processed to separate the platelets from other components of blood. This solution is then injected into the bladder wall.  The risk of side [...]

By |2022-02-19T16:54:57-08:00February 19th, 2022|Our Blog, Research|Comments Off on Platelet-rich Plasma Helps Bladder Wall Integrity in IC/BPS Patients

Uromune Vaccine To Prevent UTI Showing Remarkable Success

At the AUA 2021 meeting late last year, Dr. Curtis Nickel presented the latest research for a novel sublingual vaccine for the prevention of urinary tract infections in women. Uromune (MV140) is a simple, sublingual vaccine that could ease the suffering of millions of women. It is currently in the phase 3 development “pre-licensing” trials in [...]

By |2022-02-19T14:25:56-08:00February 19th, 2022|Our Blog, Research|Comments Off on Uromune Vaccine To Prevent UTI Showing Remarkable Success

Fall 2021 IC Optimist Now Available – COVID cystitis, vulvodynia, bladder regeneration

The FALL issue of the IC Optimist, the magazine of the IC Network, is now available. It is currently available for download for all of our members and will be mailed shortly to those who requested printed copies! Members can now download them from their membership pages in the ICN Shop. Print issues will be [...]

By |2021-12-10T14:02:38-08:00November 23rd, 2021|Front Page Feed, Our Blog|Comments Off on Fall 2021 IC Optimist Now Available – COVID cystitis, vulvodynia, bladder regeneration

Potential Hunner’s Lesion Treatment LiRIS Failed Phase II Studies

We finally have explanation as to why the LiRIS drug delivery device was “deprioritized.” In September, the data for the final studies was released and showed that it was not successful in reducing IC symptoms, pain and, ideally, the quantity of lesions. LiRIS History LiRIS was a medical device developed by Taris Biomedical (now Johnson [...]

By |2021-11-01T17:36:09-07:00November 1st, 2021|Our Blog, Research|Comments Off on Potential Hunner’s Lesion Treatment LiRIS Failed Phase II Studies

Remembering Cindy Sinclair, Founder of PURE HOPE

Support group leaders are often hidden heroes in the IC movement. Through their own struggles and suffering, these rare and special souls understand the importance of being there for those who share their journey. They understand that a simple conversation, an encouraging word and/or helping hand can change another life for the better. Cindy Sinclair [...]

By |2021-10-26T15:34:34-07:00October 26th, 2021|Front Page Feed, Our Blog|Comments Off on Remembering Cindy Sinclair, Founder of PURE HOPE

Lidocaine Recall Could Affect Some Bladder (Rescue) Instillations

The FDA announced today that Teligent Pharma has issued world wide recall of lidocaine topical solution 4% because they found, at 18 months, that it was far stronger than originally intended. There is a chance that this solution has been, or is currently being, used in bladder instillations. This "super potent" lidocaine would result in a [...]

By |2021-10-13T13:57:43-07:00October 13th, 2021|Our Blog|Comments Off on Lidocaine Recall Could Affect Some Bladder (Rescue) Instillations

Bladder Regeneration Study Seeks Participants. A Very Rare Opportunity

Dr. Robert Evans of Wake Forest University contacted the ICN this weekend to ask if we could let people know about a groundbreaking new study that seeks to grow new bladder tissue using cutting edge bioengineering techniques. Yes, that means that they are growing new bladder tissue from a patients own cells. This is a [...]

By |2021-10-11T00:21:26-07:00October 11th, 2021|Our Blog, Research|Comments Off on Bladder Regeneration Study Seeks Participants. A Very Rare Opportunity
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