Editors Note – Sherry’s story is an unusual one and perhaps kind of scary for someone newly diagnosed. IC patients rarely require bladder removal. We’re happy that it did improve Sherrys life in so many ways. It should be noted, however, that bladder removal is a last alternative and isn’t always effective for pain control. Luckily, there are so many therapies now available, from bladder coatings to antihistamines and more. Even alternatives are worth exploring. If you are considering bladder removal, please do your research carefully, talk with your physician about the pros and cons and, finally, talk with patients like Sherry about their experiences. We have a message board dedicated to bladder removal that you can also visit.

A Urostomy Success Story

My name is Sherry and I am 25 years old. I have been living with IC from the very early age of 10, when it seemed that bladder symptoms invaded my body. It was very difficult. IC took charge and pain was all that I knew. I faced my first operation at the age of 10. Throughout the years, my doctor tried every medication he could think of. None seemed to work for me. The pain was every day and I could not remember what it felt like to feel good.

As I grew older, I found that I was unable to work a lot of the time. My supervisor at first understood but after a while they became frustrated because they needed someone who was able to go to work and get the job done quickly so they could move on to another task.

I have spent many days in the hospital to control the pain. At the age of 24 I was at my wits end. My mother was about to pass away from her struggle with cancer and my pain put me in a state of mind where I was sad all the time. There were days where I just wished to go to bed and not wake up.

On September 16 2002, I had my final operation where my bladder was removed and I was left with a stoma where my urine was excreted into an external bag on the right side of my stomach. The surgery was very painful and when I awoke I had a tube coming out of my nose, an IV line hooked up with many pumps (one was a morphine pump). I also had a drain in my stomach to drain excess fluid.

After 17 days in the hospital I was able to return home with my one sister to care for me. My mother passed away after only a week and a half after I left the hospital. At that time I was very sad because my mom didn’t have the chance to see me happy and healthy. When I was able to think clearly I realized that my mom and dad (who passed many years ago) was watching over me. I know that they see me and know all is well.

It has been nine months that I have had my urostomy and my life is back on track. I have returned to work and everyday is a new day without pain. People tell me that they can’t understand how I can cope with a urostomy because I am so young. I smile and tell them that I could not imagine my life without it.

Sherry age 25
Cambridge ON