“There is nothing so moving, not even acts of love or hate,
as the discovery that one is not alone”
 – R. Ardrey

Since our founding in 1995, the ICN has collected thousands of patient stories. Teens to seniors, newly diagnosed to grizzled IC veterans, you may be touched, comforted or even angered by their personal journeys.  Even in 2013, some patients are still being refused care and told that their symptoms are “all in their heads” despite plentiful research to the contrary.  We want to hear your stories too! You can share story today at the links below:

We also welcome stories for this more formal section of the ICN!  If you have a story to share, please e-mail us your name, email address & contact information and, if available, a picture! You can choose to use your name or a penname. Pictures are optional! Send it to: patientstories@ic-network.com.