

As we start a New Year, be proud of all that you’ve done to live with IC in 2015!

  • You worked hard every day to manage your IC, often without the help of others. You showed incredible strength!
  • When local  doctors didn’t believe you, you sought the care of regional or national IC experts who would treat you with respect and dignity, even if that meant a three hour car ride or plane flight. You deserve the best care, right?
  • When you were feeling your worst IC flares, you never gave up! You got yourself out of bed, read our flare management tips, called the doctor when needed and explored new treatments. You showed great determination to work through the pain and frustration of IC to get better.
  • When others doubted, you held your head up high and explained that IC is a real condition. By doing so, you helped us fight for IC Awareness throughout the year.
  • You improved your knowledge about IC by reading our website, newsletter and/or magazine, the IC Optimist!  (Have you developed your own IC subtype profile based upon the work of Dr. Christopher Payne? If you haven’t, start 2016 by doing so!)
  • You’ve polished and improved your self-help skills (meditation, stress, anxiety management) and, when needed, you’ve found a friend or professional to talk with and help.
  • You stuck to the IC diet even on those days when you craved the most bladder irritating foods. BRAVO!  You resisted temptation and began eating healthier food. (Yes, coffee and soda drinkers, we’re thinking of you! You did it!)
  • You tried somewhat embarrassing physical therapy even though you might not have believed that the pelvic floor dysfunction could trigger IC symptoms. And it helped, didn’t it?
  • Rather than suffer in silence, you participated in the ICN Support Forum and other support groups and, we hope, know that you are not alone. You have many brothers and sisters who can help you along your journey. We’ve been here for 22 years and we plan on being here as long as you need us.
  • When other IC patients needed support, you selflessly gave your time and energy to comfort them. The strength of the IC movement are patients like you who care not just about yourself, but about others – the children, the seniors, those patients who can’t speak for themselves, those who cannot afford any medical care.

Never forget that you are stronger today
than you have ever been in your life,
for you are truly one year older
and one year wiser!

Thank you for all of your support and encouragement in 2015!

Jill, Donna, Janice, Loni & Christina