endingmalepain-250Physical therapist Isa Herrera (Renew Physical Therapy, NYC) has written her second groundbreaking book in the treatment of pelvic pain. Ending Male Pelvic Pain: A Man’s Guide is the ultimate self-help guide for men suffering from prostatitis, recovering from prostatectomy or living with pelvic or sexual pain. Few resources on the market have provided such a complete and comprehensive discussion of the role of the pelvic floor muscles in male pelvic pain disorders. It’s direct, practical and filled with useful tips and suggestions most men will find helpful.

If you’re wondering why a female physical therapist has become an expert working with men, Isa shared “I first started out treating women’s pelvic floor conditions in NYC. The word spread quickly and soon men started to come. Before I knew it 30% of our practice was men.” She continued “By writing this book, not only do I give men powerful pain-relieving tools, but also I help them to see that they can manage their symptoms and pain on their own.”

Pelvic floor dysfunction is now acknowledged to be a major contributing factor in pelvic pain syndromes, including interstitial cystitis and prostatitis. Most clinicians now provide a pelvic floor assessment to determine if, and which, muscles are involved. Physical therapy is usually recommended and has been proven successful in several federally funded studies. Yet, for some patients, physical therapy is neither available nor affordable. This book will provide hope and practical advice to men who are seeking to relieve their pain symptoms!

Isa is the author of “Ending Female Pain: A Woman’s Guide”

Now available in the ICN Shop for just $29.99!